What magazines do you read?

I stopped reading Mopar Muscle and let my sub. lapse. The tech is subpar IMO. Never find anything interesting in it anymore. I have a Car Craft sub. that I plan to let go of. That magazine is mind-numbingly bad right now, there's been nothing worth reading in there for a couple years. Only reason I get it is because it's like $10 a year and I figure I'll buy at least two a year. Same thing with Hot Rod even though Dave is back at the helm.

Hemmings Muscle Machines is the best. I also Read Mopar Action. I love the Rodder's Journal but that's almost a coffee table book. Every now and again I'll get Muscle Car Review. I get Engine Masters too, Stecve Dulcich always has something interesting to read. I don't read Mopar Enthusiast or MCG.

So there it is:

Mopar Action
Engine Masters
Rodder's Journal
Muscle Car Review
Hot Rod Deluxe
Engine Masters

Yup,I agree. I let my subscription end too and didnt renew. I dont think tech should consist of installing kits.
Thats all you see on these horsepower tv shows,is idiots installing $$$$.Never anything practical like teaching people fabrication skill etc.

Thats what I liked about the musclecar show when that crazy sob Lou was the star. He did EVERYTHING and fabbed a lot of stuff.Plus he's nuts...

They still do a lot of fabbing on that musclecar show,but I miss crazy Lou...