duplicolor paint shop

I used the Dupicolor Paintshop system on my 2001 HD Softail I built, I did the fenders and chin fairing, I bought the tank already painted. I basically just wanted to slap some paint on real quick so I could ride, seeing as I was putting the bike together(from a stock HD) all winter. I planned on repainting down the road but ended up selling it cause I got the musclecar bug again.

Anyway the primer and clear went on nice, the base coat ended up having alot of orange peal but I think it either needed some extra thinning or the tipp in my gun was wrong. But I put enough clear on that I was able to wet sand and buff the fenders to a mirror finish. Overall the paint came out great but it took alot of work and it stayed soft for too long in my opinion.

If I had to do a cheap paint job again, I would as someone else mentioned, use a cheaper single stage paint. Theres a couple places where you can get cheap paint that isnt that bad heres a couple...

I think either of these would be better than the Duplicolor and some can be gotten for as little as $35 a gallon.
Heres a few shots of the bike I did, the tank is a top quality paint job and the fenders are the duplicolor I sprayed. Good luck.



