Got scolded by a neighbor

Yup, can`t poop where you have to eat, huh?

So true, you NEVER want to piss off the neighbors, with all the laws out there against car guys they can make your life a living hell!

Here's a few rules I've learned to live by being a car guy:

1) If your going to work on a car, make sure at the end of the day it looks like it runs (even if it doesn't) That means all 4 tires on the ground with air in them. So never leave it on jackstands, and make sure ALL the mess is cleaned up.

2) Don't start working on it too early and stop working on it before it gets too late. especially noisy tools like air compressors, air tools and grinders etc.

3) A car cover (tan ones blend in the best) work wonders for hiding that multi paint, primer and rusty non running project that you want to sit in your driveway. Keep the cover and the ground around it clean and it just looks like a parked car.
I actually learned this from one of the City of Concord guy that stopped by to warn me about having a non running car (my sons Demon that we just pulled the motor out of) sitting in my drive way.

4) NEVER do burnouts in front of your house ( you or your friends) that will piss off that one neighbor who has nothing better to do than turn you in for every little thing you do. When I'm "testing" I always go to a empty road near by that doesn't have houses on it.

5)Don't take over the whole street with all your project or non daily driven cars. This will get your neighbors calling the City on you like crazy especially if they can't park in front of their own house. My neighbor has been called on by some of the neighbors around here so much that the City started making it a habit of driving by regularly. Which is how I got popped for working on a car in my driveway (which can't hardly been seen from the main street)

6) I'm sure just about everyone here has fired up a car uncapped before, but try not to fire up your uncapped or extremely loud exhaust car, too early or too late while reving your motor in your driveway.
I've actually been woke up at 7am by my neighbor who was tuning his uncapped car in his driveway and reving it like crazy, and then started doing burnouts right in front of my house. I'm a car guy and even I was like WTF!!!!!!!!