Got scolded by a neighbor

i had a naber lady like that miss goody to shoes i was at the store one day and her car was broke down.she sees me and ask me to look at it yep dead battery and i had no jumper cables.and guess what car i was in you got the one she raised hell about i offered to take her home and she agreed so i got her milk and bag with ice cream and told her i was parked at the end of the she fallowed me wen we got to the car she says omy i said it wont hurt you.she gets in and she said you don't have a radio or heater i said no you wouldnt here it any away we go come up to an intersection and a car almost hits us she hollers man that the stuff that makes me mad. so me being as pissed:cheers: as i was i stood on it puled it in second gear and she grabs hold of my leg and i know you wont believe this but she says I think i had an orgasm and screams wow! i all most fainted. so i got her home and she said that was the wildest thing she has ever done.a week later her husband comes over and ask were he can find a car that's like that i leafed to my self.they now have a 68gtx with a440 in it and go to all the cruses.since then i moved to the MTs,and they come visit.

That is awesome haha!

Best place to do that sorta stuff is in an industrial area late
at night where no one is around.
Bad neighbours can be a REAL pain in the arse...