Duster, Demon & Dart Sport Registry

Since the last thread about my registry was kind of confusing and pretty much dissappeared into the depths of FABO, I'm starting a new one.

For those who don't know already, I started the Duster, Demon & Dart Sport Registry back in December 2008. It originally started out as the 1973 Duster & Dart Sport Registry. Then it turned into all Dusters & Dart Sports pretty fast before finally getting Demons added in late June of this year. I started the registry before running one always seemed interesting to me and when I found out a registry for them didn't exist, I jumped on the chance. However, one thing that confuses me is I had lots of interest at the beginning when I was throwing out the idea of the registry but I haven't gotten many registrations. I'm hoping this thread will change that.

I will admit the low amount of registrations probally had something to do with the low-budget looking Geocities site I had up for a while. However, I got an official website up back in May. On the website, I have colour charts, production figures, a list of found items (broadcast sheets, fender tags etc) and an extensive photo gallery. The photo gallery has pictures of all three models which also include engine compartment and interior shots. I also have pictures of anything Duster, Demon & Dart Sport related called the "Odds & Ends" gallery. I even have a gallery for rotting & forgotten cars called "Left For Dead". That gallery is currentley the biggest at 170 items!

If you'd like to register, please check out the "Register" page on the website and feel free to check out the website and either email me or PM me here with any suggestions for the website if you have any. Also, if you notice, I'm low on Factory book information. If anybody has anything they could possibly scan such as model manuals or anything, I would appreciate it. All I have so far is the dealer/car option information for '73 Dusters. Click the link to check out the website....



PS: Mods, could I please get a sticky for this?