Poison Ivy in my mouth!!

i had 4 bouts of it this summer. Could not figure out where it was coming from.
Then finally traced it back to cutting grass. I got some pills from the doc to take once a day for a week. It was cleared up in no time.

the second time i found some poison ivy soap at Walmart. I remembered the doc telling me. Jump in the shower ... scratch the living crap out of the poison ivy and immediatly lather in soap REAL THICK while scratching. Poison ivy supposedly has barbs that get stuck in your skin so you want to break the barbs loose and the soap will gather up the oils of the poison ivy and eliminated the infected spot. It went away in a week.

the third time i did the same thing as previous and it was cleared up in a week as well.

the fourth time. I could feel the poison ivy growing on my skin ... i ran to the sink and i grabbed the poison ivy soap and lathered up the suspected locations and lathered and scratched for what seemed like 20 minutes. the next day i had a small spot .
and the third day ... it was gone.