Got scolded by a neighbor

With that reasoning-soccer moms should be banished from the street- seen how they drive?

In my first post I addressed this, too. Teachers (of all things) flying low on the alley I live on between two schools. Read my first post, please. The attitude of "I'm the most important person in the world so I can do what I want and screw everyone else," needed to be addressed since it seemed to be coming out from some of the responses, like: "I live on a street and the neighbors all suck because they don't like it when I _____."
That being said, what was done has been recognized as an error and been apologized for in public! That takes a lot of guts to come on a website, especially one as opinionated as this one can be. Moparker deserves kudos for that in my opinion. He didn't have to tell us. He didn't even have to tell us about how he felt wrong for doing so. Heck, read the posts and he even admits that his neighbor reacted that way because his neighbor was scared s***less. That's takes a man with real understanding of other people, in my opinion! And it takes a big man to say so in public with every Tom, Dick, and Harry, myself included, putting in his two cents! Nice job!