
Perhaps she's being unreasonable because you called her "sir" one too many times from the last capitilized email you received. In this case she shouldn't be in customer service and should develop a thicker skin.

While that may be what is bothering her, the previous correspondance I had on the last car came frome a gentlemen. I thought it might be the same person. Regardless, there was never any kind of indicator as what gender the person is. It is an generic email address, and the emails were not closed in any way, so how am I to know? I agree, if that that is what truly offended....
But in the end, it is irrelevant. By the logic of that person, I should accept a shirt in the clothing store, that is sewn wrong. The mis-sewn shirt may not look right, but because it covers the body and is the right color, it is acceptable. You should keep those wheels that have bad chrome, because they still roll and hold air? Buying new carpet? Don't mind the flaw in the middle of the living room, it covers the floor, and is soft, so it must be acceptable.
