looks like it's my turn........

Well it wasn't too bad.But they threw a wrench at me when they said they were going to do a gastroscopy as well.I told I didn't know anything about it.She said it was on the notice.I was in kinda goofed up when they started shovin the tube down my throat.I stated gaggin all lot.of course they told me to settle down,I couldn't tell them to piss off:angry7: with this thing in my mouth so I sucked it up and settled down.Next thing I know I kinda wake up to,you guessed it,someone trying to get in the back door.Shortly after that i went out again.
Dr. came and saw me after wards to say he removed several polyps and that I would be hearing from him later.O goody!
I was still a lil groggy when I got home so I had a nap.They said I should eat something with a soft texture so I ended up with Kraft dinner,geez.:angry7:
They also said no driving for 24 hours,well they're wrong there,cause I can't afford to be away from work any longer,so it's back to work tomorrow.8)