GOT MY 383 finally

picked up my 383 on tuesday. . Get this. . its a 68 block complete carb to pan $80 now does that sound like a good deal or wat if not i dont knw wat is other than free lol. .if it couldnt get any better pulled it completely apart last night. . .SPOTLESS. . anyways since i have it apart im wanna get some machine work done.and clean up the walls and stuff . THing Is Dont Know exactly what i should do... . i want to get around 450 500+hp from it but dont want it to be a drag car. .id like to take it to a track every now and then but more of a street car. wat set up could i do to acheive my goal. .i know big blocks are real easy to get a good amount of power of. just need to be guided in the right direction and yes i have a 8 3/4 rear already installed in my 74 duster and i can keep the forged crank right???