Got scolded by a neighbor

tx. is a right to carry concealed handgun state. not many people pull shovels on ya. lol. thank God i dont live in Chicago. I love my 44 as much as my cars. They all make the testosterone flow.

This is why I will be moving to Texas when I move back to the US. I'm a pretty 'liberal' guy by general standards, I live in, and was born in the Netherlands for God's sake! I agree w/ freedom of sexual preference, legalization of weed in a similar way to alcohol. etc. etc.

However I think all of the above can be achieved without everyone's aproval. If EVERYONE used common sense we wouldn't have neighbours with shovels or kids getting hit. Accidents happen but you get my drift?

My sister lives in Corpus Christi Tx, and man, it just seems to be a last vestibule of true freedom in this overly legislated and regulated world.

Like Moparker said he was wrong, but if you want to see your next birthday
don't touch my car, guess I am lucky I live in the country, when I got my Duster fired up I took it out on the road to test it, just lit up the tires (running just headers) and the guy next door runs up his driveway into the middle of the road, I almost hit his a**, he says he is pissed because I did not let him have the first ride, well after the ride he said maybe he should have just watched LOL by the way I am 64 but I love the smell of burning rubber, and there are no kids around here, just me LOL

You inspire me, I hope to doing just the same at 64 and well beyond, as long as my back let's me.

It's a wild and crazy world out here, if your afraid of
everything you should stay on the porch or in
your house.
Stop trying to control and outlaw everything.
If you need something to worry about try cellphone users,
religious nuts and Demacrats.

First off, I completely agree, mostly. DemOcrats aren't the problem, nor are Republicans. It's the lack of a better option and assh*les in general that are the issue, and by religeous nuts you mean crazy *** Christians too right?

Also couldn't you argue that a burnout is a pretty safe thing to, compared to speeding in any case, you're stationary! :-D