1968coronet500 hosed Us

fellow member on moparts made arrangements with My Son and I last friday to purchase parts. He's in Syracuse...we're in Niagara Falls and Pendleton respectively. The deal was to be in Syracuse around 6pm so we leave at 3pm to get there in plenty of time. Also we were to call when getting off at the syracuse exit to make a meeting at the address given. So we drive through the rain,make the call and 68coronet 500 tells Us he's having problems with the wife but has delivered the parts to another location. SO we drive to a mall and wait for him or someone to meet with Us and take US to the parts. No one shows so we start calling 68coronet 500 about every 5 minutes but he doesn't answer his cell phone now. We call the other cell phone number given,other parts guy,and he doesn't answer his cell phone either. Waited there almost an hour.

So We wind up driving over 325 miles roundtrip,70 bucks in fuel,14 bucks in tolls, and 7 hours of our time time.

How low,inconsiderate or whatever you would call these jerks. Why have a mobile cell phone if you can't return calls?? Why set people up for an honest buy and then screw them.

So the bottom line here is...beware of Joe, 68coronet500... and his Pal Neil...as if they can hose US...they can hose anyone.

68coronet500 uses Dermuid Delay on craigslist also.

Been There, Done That and Got the T Shirt with other sellers.

It POes me when I pass up another deal waiting for a seller to complete the deal and then he sells it out from under me.

Sorry that you had to go through this.