just got in a wreck...

everyones ok, but the cavalier i was in is doin not too good. i was a passenger by the way. so any way me and this guy go to speed way on break ( we work at our highschool as student custodial help) about a block away from the school. we are pullin out and this guy runs into a brand new chrysler van fully loaded with old people ( they were all ok too ) but the nose of the cavalier shot under the rocker panel of the chrysler, and then the tire snagged the front valance of the cav. the chrysler had a small piece of trim ripped off, but the cav was completely smashed on the front. the cav sustained major body, electrical, and mechanical ( radiator damage, and possible ruined engine mounts. ) damage. this kid is kinda in the ricer mind set, so he moved his computer ( for no reason ) and zip tied it to the sway bar... ... so i do believe it took some damage. he is only 17 too, so he prob wont be on the road for some time. oh well i suppose. I got to see the inside of a cop car so some good came out of it i suppose ha ha