1968coronet500 hosed Us


Yeah it stinks but the whole story has not been told. You would all feel like dirt if you found out the guy got in a bad wreck on the way or something of the like. A guy should be given a chance to clear the air before he gets thrown under the bus.
I am not sticking up for anyone but just making a point. I think times as they are has people a little more sensitive than norm. Time will answer any questions on this one. Please keep the comments clean. Read this whole thread and think about it!!!!!
__________________He answered the cell phone call as we got off at the syracuse exit...clearly states that in post...sends Us to another address and doesn't answer....accident...fallen under a bus...I think not......this thinking has the Japs mistakenly bombing Pearl Harbor.....or was it the Germans???too much Belushi here...

If the phone records of his cell...his pals cell,mine and My Son were public....you couldn't believe all the calls made to these two joker's in the time we waited at the great northern mall.......nice place though

OJ was innocent too Chas