Early A-Body w/Dougs ??????



Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
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Anyone out there running Dougs headers in a early Valiant or Barracuda?63-66?
Which automatic tranny do you run ? The reason I ask is when looking at the spec sheet it states "Not for use with the 727", I would not think there would be much difference side to side dimensions.

Any input would be appreciated.
Thanks Keith for the link, you would just think that they would not have the disclaimer if it was possible, for it turns perspective customers away.
I've got a call into their tech line but no return call as of yet.
I have them on my Dart, and even with the 904 they are tight. I made the mistake of installing the headers before the trans and beat the coating up pretty bad putting the 904 in the car. It's the width that kills you on the 727.
Yep I spoke with Doug a while back and even on his early sets back in the day. They dont fit with the large clutch or 727.

I have a 727 in a 64 Dart and TTIs, hell of a time getting the trans in, I had to turn it sideways, the ears are wider and hit the headers. I think the dougs are even tighter in that they hug the trans closer yet thanthe TTIs.

Let us know but be warned it is soooo tight...:)
Well I guess thats why TTI gets that little bit of extra dough for theirs.
Looking like my options are getting lesser all the time.

Thanks all,