remove heat?? yes or no opinions

I'd say if it were a trailer queen race car, yank it all out, but for the street, you are bound to wind up in a rainstorm or conditions that will fog your windows, and that will be the time you will be kicking yourself for yanking the heater box.
I was going to yank mine for weight reduction but I am sooooooo glad I did not, since it has saved my rear way too many times, and I learned the hard way when I did not have the vents hooked up and got caught in a severed thunderstorm coming back from Atlanta Motor speedway.

Luckily I had a buddy with me to wipe the windshield fog every 30 seconds while I fought tooth and nail to keep the *** end fom meeting the front while hydroplaning at 15 MPH in six lanes of traffic with monsoon type rain battering the road and nowhere to pull over.
I had no windshield wipers either, but rain-X saved the day on the outside.