Awesome Old Machine

Watching the videos of these articulated wonders, two things came to mind:

1. There were "cab-forward" versions of some of these articulated engines that were basically, engines that had been turned around, 180 degrees, with the cab enclosed in what was now, the "front" of the locomotive, to put the engineer and fireman ahead of the smokestack (much like Garlits put the driver ahead of the engine, in his successful "rear-engine-dragster," in 1971.) The reasoning was, to keep the heat and smoke from "punishing" the engineer and fireman, as these mammoth engines pulled trains through the many tunnels in the Western mountains. I think the Moffat Tunnel in Colorado was possibly the longest (6.21 miles, I believe.)

2. These locomotives would easily send ALL the modern-day EPA "smog sniffers" into cardiac arrest!!! Check out the density and volume of smoke coming out of these babys... I'll bet you could smell them for hours, after one passed by!!!

The cab forwards were on the Southern Pacific, and had stoker screws that brought the coal to the firebox.

You'd be surprised at how clean they ran when burning just right. The naysayers on "clean coal" never saw a properly fired steam loco.