Duster was totalled

You didn't say how old your son is, but keep a CLOSE eye on him for the next few days. If ANYTHING doesn't seem right with him, take him to the hospital again. Things like his actions, appetite, mood etc.

As for the car, it sucks what happened to it, but like you said, get another car and fill all your parts to it. Might take time to get back to where you were, but you can make changes to the next car to correct the things you didn't like about the one you had. There's always something on a car that you would have done differently.

I am not a "sue-happy" kind of guy either, but in this case, go for it. If he was drinking & driving, nail him.

Keep an eye on the little boy, he's the one I'm concerned about. You can fix the car, but not him.

Sorry to hear this happened to you. Good Luck.
