Saw VI

I also went WTF when i heard another saw movie was coming out. They are also coming out with a video game from what i understand too. I have seen the first two or 3 movies and i thought they were okay. Honestly i never hear anyone talking about seeing saw. not since the first one came out and I spend my time around people 19-22. which this age group likes to mindlessly follow trends and quote things they see on the internet or tv every 10 seconds. If this group of brainwashed youth isent raving about it how good could it honestly be? And yes most of these people think 300 was a good movie. I only noticed the emo/goth crowd was raving about twilight tho. but anyway only good movies should have sequels.

And i hate when they remake old movies! they ALWAYS ruin it! a great example would be gone in 60 seconds. Yeah the remake was okay ill admit but when you compare it to the old movie its junk! IMHO