Both kids are out of school and on Tamiflu pills since Monday. Kicker is they had their FLU shot on the 15th! Greg is getting better and is like a little nurse to his brother.
The youngest, Luke, has an awful earache today.
The fever hit me again last night and David was up all night washing me down with ice cold towels; my fever was 103. I do not remember much of that, he said I was tossing and turning all night.

I cannot take Tamiflu due to my heart condition, so it's hot totties and chicken broth and crackers for me. YAHOO!

I lost my voice last night and I have a little bell to ring, no $hit, if I need anything. I feel like I have been dragged 5 miles down a dirt road.


~Sincerely your FABO sister,
Mary :pale: