Turning over engines in storage

Sea Foam does make a spray called Deep Creep and I use it instead of PB Blaster now. Great stuff but I don't know if this is the same stuff the guys are talking about. I also agree with them about WD-40 as a rust preventative, don't do it. I had rust form in a single day on a fresh cylinder bore when I lived in Chicago. I swear it's as humid there as Florida, only much colder, lol.

On my spare blocks I wipe them down with motor oil and bag them in a heavy duty garbage bag (the contractor type) and have not had any problems with rust, but they are disassembled. The sea foam deep creep is much heavier and sticker than wd or pb and I'd bet it would work great, but I haven't tried it yet. Motor oil on the other hand I know works but it's a bit more labor intensive.