What Is A Good Flexplate For A 318??68cuda!

Think I would find out why the flexplates are breaking before I changed another one that will probably break. About the only things that will break them is vibration or the transmission is not properly aligned with the crankshaft. You would notice vibration bad enough to cause the breakage (think paint shaker). Was this engine and transmission ever installed as a unit before you had all the work done, or are they a random mating? Sounds to me like you have alignment issues between the trans and engine. This is easily corrected with offset locating dowels once you find someone who knows how to fix the problem. That's the trick. FWIW, I haven't broken a stock flexplate yet and I've been abusing them for almost 40 years now. :toothy10:

Very interesting, but everybody here is always trying to rip me off by paying an arm and a leg. someone the transmission and torque donut think are brand new. Someone had the balls to ask for $1,200 just to fix the flex plate. I wish i knew someone around here. Damm mechanics.

Thank you for the good information.