Ok guys and gals out there on fabo....I will try to keep this as short as I can so I don't bore you all.
My name is Jerrod AKA DusterDude72 I will be 23 on December 17th.

I will start by saying I may not have the most money,or owned as many mopars as some,or won a ton of awards,or been in a magazine.... But I can honestly say that the passion for mopar runs in my jeans and in my veins.

Growing up as a kid, my dad and I got along great....always playing around,goofing off and having fun.....but while most kids dads would sit them on there lab and read them a book or something....My dad would sit me on his lap and show me all the old pictures he had of his mopars and all the paint jobs he did when he was growing up.

When I was 5 or 6 or 7 and so on....I may not have known much of a difference between a duster and a challenger back then but I still had a good time hanging out with my dad and listening to his stories of him and his buddies building there cars...and seeing the pictures of what my dad did with his very own hands and looking at him like "that's amazing,you did that" lol.

So from a very early age, mopar helped bring me and my dad closer in certain ways you could say....and it gave me a passion for cars early on and it taught me early on the self accomplishment gained of doing the work yourself and taking pride in the fact that you made a car what it is by investing your own blood,sweat and tears into.

I still to this day look at the stacks of old pictures my dad saved over the years of his old mopars and wish that I could have my hands on some of his old cars...not only because they were cool.....but because I know that part of my dad went with those cars way back when they sold....because you get attached to these cars...its that simple

I can't help but look at a mopar (sounds corny I know) and think of it as a member of someones family and know that it has a spirit of its own....any mopar owner knows what I am saying when I say that you get a certain feeling when owning/working on your will beat you down,bloody your knuckles,and make you want to sell it some times....but after a quick cool down,you head right back out to the garage,rub the dash and apologize and offer that you are willing to give the relationship another go and you ask for a little cooperation is all lol.

I have had MANY hotrods and sports cars...of all different makes and models and I never got the same passion or the same feeling or same sense of accomplishment out of them as I have experienced with my mopars....and not to mention that with the other types of cars,you could drive around town without seeing a dozen cars exactly like you were driving and it really took the fun out of it. Where as with a really feel like the " TOP DOG " cruising the street because there isn't that many around compared to other types of cars and everyone looks at you like they just opend up a time capsule from 1970 something and out pops this unbelievable work of art.

I had been looking for just the right project mopar for awhile and I wanted it to be something special...not just a cool mopar for me.

My dad has recently got divorced and has always been a very hard working man and made sure he provided for his family and he has had to go through alot of hard times....Although he smiles and jokes was rare to see him talk about something that he really seemed to get excited about and that you could see the passion in what he was talking about.

My dad had tons of a and b bodies and so on, but he ALWAYS talked about his plum crazy duster...and when he told me the stories of the things he experienced with that car...I myself really felt the feelings he was describing.

I also had come to be a duster fan over the years and I knew that's what I would like to find....I didn't want to just build a car...I wanted to build memories.
So when I found my 1972 Plymouth duster after searching for so long and it was only 5 miles away...and I found I could get it for only $500.00.......I nabbed it up.

When I told my dad I was buying it....It made me a very happy man to see my grown dad a giggling 17 year old kid again lol.

So I thought it was only fair to invite my dad along for the restore of the duster....I plan on building it almost just like his old duster was...not just because that was his dream car but mine as well.

And better yet....My son who is already a little automotive fan....will be taught the same automotive values as I was growing up and this duster will be his just as much as it is mine and just as much as it is my dads....its a 3 generation duster....and who knows,maybe one day more.

The duster is completely different than when I bought it but I still have alot of work ahead on it before its finished....but I am hoping to have it close to done by next spring or early summer....I have already made alot of good memories with the duster in the time I have had it and I hope to make alot more good memories with it and my family helping.

lets not forget my mopar lady lol....she doesn't do the work on the car but I got the thumbs up approval on plum crazy purple and she already has dibs on driving it when its done....And she has supported me and my love for mopars all along,she has put up with me on the days where I am whipping wrench's across the garage, the days where I am moping around saying man I wish I had the money for this part....she might just pop out and say "ill get it for ya babe" or..."wait until Christmas" glad I didn't end up with one of those "well if you didn't spend so much time in the garage" or "when you going to sell that old beat up thing" lol

Myself as well as my hole family see's my dream and my goal and has the ability to in vision the car when its done and after seeing what I have done with vehicles in the passed....they believe in me and know I will make it one sharp ride at some point.

Well everyone,I am sorry for the long story.......It may not be the best....or the coolest......But its mine . And I hope that some of you out there can relate to some of the things I have had to say and maybe it will take you back and give you something to think about.

Sorry if I did not get into to much detail about what has been done to my Duster and what the plans are for it and the options that came with it and so on and so forth.....I mostly wanted to get my story out there rather than just focus on my duster ....I have threads out there with info on it if anyone is interested or you can pm me if you are interested in learning more about my duster.

Below Ill toss in a couple pictures of some mopars I have owned that I have pictures of on my computer. currently I have the Duster and red 97 dodge ram.

I also am into building mopar 4x4's so Ill toss up a picture of a mud ram i helped build and I will toss in a picture of an engine i built to give everyone an idea of the kind of pride I take in detail when working with vehicles......unfortunately,that engine was a non mopar build I did a few years ago....BUT soon enough ill be doing the duster engine and Ill keep everyone posted

AND I figured I would toss this up here for everyone...I was just reading over my story and it really got me thinking of old times and this just hit me like a ton of bricks and made sense.....maybe it will make sense to the rest of you as well! (
Making Our Past A Reality )









