ABodyBetty's new baby comes home!!!

Love the dash pad! It really goes well color and personality with Fern. Did you recover that yourself? Is there a thread I can study? My Schvinger's pad was a mix of brittle chips, and dust. I just glued a cheap plastic cover on it so I could drive without looking at it.

Reminds me of a pair of cowboy boots that this dood I know once had. With all the abuse we gave him about how much he paid and the way they made him look, it's no wonder I never hear from him anymore.

Now don't any cowboy boot wearing folk go and get offended, we was in Hollywood at the time... NOT the cowboy capitol of the U.S.A. by any means.

No thread, should have made one for that. I'll be doing the 67 dash pad soon and will do a thread.
They are pretty easy, just buy auto vinyl, cut, spray glue both pieces let stand 15 min, stretch and put together, trim, reinstall!
I added 1/4" padding under vinyl to hide cracking, looks good!
In the 70's I did some vans where we would put 2" foam pad under the vinyl and button tuck. It would look like you were riding in a couch when looking out the windshield, if you could see over the dash!! LOL!!8)