What's a 69 Dodge Dart /6 worth?

Prolly one of his beer drinking, arm chair quarterback types told him it's "rare". Let it sit (with it's rats nest) and see if someone else buys into his "rare" strategy.

Give him your number and tell him to call you when he changes his mind.

Another trick is to give a check for the $800.00, but don't sign the check. Tell him when he wants you to sign the check, to give you a call!

Or wait a week and tell him you found another car you really like, but you were wondering if he has changed his mind (on price), before you commit on another vehicle.

The other thing that concerns me is your "helter skelter" want to go see this supposed Fury. Have you decided on what car you REALLY want, or are you just looking for a deal (which there's nothing wrong with).

So let's back up a little. How long have you been looking and what's your grand scheme?
