2010 Dodge Demon?

Exactly, so call it something else. Anything else! Calling it a Demon just stains an already great car's reputation.

Yep! I said it. No need to get angry at me. Have you googled "Chrysler's future" lately? I'm not the only one wondering.....

No I would still hate it. Ugly is ugly no matter what name you throw on it. It sounds like most people think it's ugly too.

To me the only people who would like that car aren't Dodge people.

Well I like it, and I'm a Dodge person, so... I dunno what I am.

And I wasn't getting angry, just tired of people trying to predict what's going to happen lately, haha.

I guess I semi-agree with you on the name thing, but there is still part of me that doesn't mind reusing old names for new cars.