Feeling crappy...

Free your mind. Sleep, go for hike, etc. Don't hang out on line, it will numb it, no ****. I used to go for 20 mile rides on my mountain bike and write. I got A's on every class. Find what free's your mind naturally before and after you study. It's what your brain needs. :cheers:

Oh yeah, and quit smoking pot while you study. ~~

Well, I have a lot of free time during the day and get plenty of sleep. I seriously go online primarily to learn stuff on info sites as well as FABO, as well as look at Facebook every once in a while because I actually communicate with friends not close to me any more. One thing I am going to start doing is going to the gym; my arms are basically two sticks with skin stretched over them, and I'm sick of having no strength or stamina.

As far as that last part, it seems to neither help nor hinder, so I figure it's a waste if I'm not doing something fun. I save that for sleeping, eating, and hanging out. 8)

Thanks again for all the kind words. My mood has improved since then and will definitely get a boost when I go get my dual exhaust put on my Duster tomorrow. This new chapter in Calc is also looking to be pretty easy so far.