1966 Valiant Signet Convertible Resto

Had to touch up some basecoat areas and I was slightly out of my clearcoat window so I added one more coat. Got three coats of clear on last night. Solid coverage and she looks amazing. Got pictures but did not get a chance to load them last night. Plus I wanna get pics in the sunlight while the UV rays give it a nice cure. Then it's back to wetsanding and 3 three more coats of clear. :)

Pics coming soon
Go Dave Go :cheers: pictures later :clock:
I thought I was going to see it this morning, You ol teas :toothy10:
Congrat's :cheers: I bet you can't wait to let us see :-D:-D:-D
The seem work you did will be there for ever and never crack, Great job and I bet it look so good in person. Can't wait to see =P~=P~=P~