SB supercharger......


the mr norms paxton car were completley stock bottom end,, 8 or 8.5 compression,, no bottom end gridel...and used a thermo quad in the carb box,,,,

That is what I thought, But wasn't sure.

Sure it would be better to build an engine right out to the tits, but not everyone has money for that.

I am just kicking around the idea. and I know there are some people that like to spend other people's money when they are asking what they will need for something, but not every build needs the best of the best.

If I do choose to go this route, I will put it as a seperate car thread so people can watch what I do and how I do it etc.

Kinda learn as I go.

have two 318's and a 360 at home anyways also have a BB, but I think I should go with the SB first time around. after all I want to try and make something that is as much fun and gets the wow factor as my BB duster. I thin this would do it.
