ABodyBetty's new baby comes home!!!

We need to de-mask the car this am. Should reassemble most if not all interior today.
If we don't go that direction, (good weather?) we will have to clean off wet windshield sealer that smeared everywhere when we were masking yesterday.
If it's nice out we may forget the interior and go ahead with metal cutting and replacement on pass rear 1/4. I'll check with Yard Dawg to see if I can borror the welder. Would like to get the 1/4 and rear floor patched today.
I would like to get the windshield moldings back on too!
So much to do, so little good weather.................Wish I had a killer garage with heat and a paint booth!!! Jezz to think what I could do with a paint booth!! I'm getting great paint jobs in the driveway with the leaves falling on the car and all the bugs! Just think what my stuff could look like if I had the right equipment, so used to doing something with nothing!:cheers:

Have a great day today guys & gals, I'll post ya later!!8)