SB supercharger......


the mr norms paxton car were completley stock bottom end,, 8 or 8.5 compression,, no bottom end gridel...and used a thermo quad in the carb box,,,

god luck finding one of those set ups,,, i know where one is but it will never come out of the box it is packed away in,,

may be in luck.. looks liek it may be produced again.. my low compression 360 would be the perfect canidate for one of those bitches.. :)

Matt Delaney of Delaney Auto Design saw this as the perfect candidate to show off the first running pre-production prototype of Paxton's NOVI Super Charger for Mopar carb applications. Paxton dusted off the original designs that made Mr. Norm famous and updated it to give you reliable power and ultimate driveability.
