As of this moment, 8:32 a.m. on October 30, I have 28 confirmed entries who have followed the contest instructions but it sure looks like there's a lot more stories than that -- I haven't counted them lately. Knowing not everyone checks in daily as some of us do, that's why the contest is spread over three months' time. I'm sure as January draws closer more and more will respond.

I appreciate the suggestions DusterDude72. As indicated in my opening post, this may not end in January if there is enough interest in having it continue. (In fact, 65BCODA, one of the generous parties donating to the Prize Package, has already kicked in for two future drawings and offered to continue for another three months after if it keeps going!)

ramenth, you must have been reading my mind last Friday morning as I was writing up the first post. The LAST THING I wanted this contest to turn into was a battle of sob stories (if the prizes went to the 'most deserving') or a voting campaign ("but MY story was much better than so-and-so's"), so having a random drawing seemed to be the most fair.

I didn't want to place myself in a subjective position of having to choose because I knew in advance we'd have some awesome stories posted. Hell, if winning was based on merit, accomplishments to date, wonderful writing abilities, etc., everybody would win! There isn't a bad story in the whole lot in my opinion.

The whole point was to get the Young Guns to share how they got started, show off what they've done and plan/want to do, and get much-deserved recognition for all their hard work so far. And if in that sharing they happen to win a cool prize or get a PM from somebody who it turns out lives around the corner and can help them in their personal efforts as a sort of "Big Hot Rod Brother" (or sister) program, then all the better. Again, this is for THEM because they're the future of this hobby ... if they don't stick with it, we'll all be sorry in the long run.

As a reminder, the Help CudaChick thread is for posting what you'd like to donate to the Prize Package and for any other commentary relating to the contest or a particular Young Gun's story. There's over 80 posts in the story thread ... but only 28 confirmed entries!?!?!

Now back to our regularly-scheduled program. :-D