Pics from Chryslers in the Canyon

No prob on the video...and yes, it was a 64 Valiant drop top...The owner made about a 60 mile drive from his home town to get to WT...then cruised the 15-20 to the canyon...and then went back to his place 8) The smugmug link has a few solo shots of the Valiant if you are interested. I think I have a few from a show earlier this spring as well.

We have a couple of members who have recently moved to Amarillo and they are always amazed at the turnout we have...even just at the monthly cruise night. It amazes me that some of the places they are coming from didn't have anything close to what we are able to put together. If you get burned out looking around in NC, just move out this direction! Fwiw, I had always heard from a few older guys that there were tons of Mopars out that way...

Still haven't developed the webpage for the event yet..but I'll get on it soon.