hit another f---ing deer

The deer whistles, they are crap, but if you like a will sell you a decal that is gaurenteed to make the deer stay away from your vehicle and I will only charge you 5.99 plus shipping and handling.
Not to knock your driving or to give you any grief when you already have enough from the fact your truck is smucked, but maybe you should consider slowing down and looking ahead and to the sides of the road ahead a little more carefully. I have a million plus driving miles expierence and I have NEVER hit a deer, came close a few times but because I was being attentive to what was going on both ahead and to the sides I was able to avoid collisions with them. Living up in the ND, Mn area there are MANY deer around so we always have to pay close attention.
Funny story though, a bud of mine and his wife were traveling "his wife driving" when his wife says "Hey look at the pretty deer" of course not being alert and attentive she failed to take into account the fact that she had seen a deer and failed to adjust her speed to a safer level and be looking out for MORE deer, not 10 seconds after saying "Look at the pretty deer" she pasted one.
Moral, if you see one deer there are MOST likely a bunch more waiting to jump in front of you. Also one other note regarding deer, they like to run along roads in the ditches and pop out as they cross intersections, this is mostly in the rural farm areas of course but an interesting behavioural note that you should all think about when driving in such areas.
Any way, good luck getting your truck fixed, ooh and BTW, the sticker I was refering to would be a "Hunters sticker" any kind will do, LOL.