Please Read....

this should be a reminder to all of us to be generous and gracious to all people weather in uniform or not. judgment is not ours. thankfully these wars are not supported by everyone, we all have our opinions. as for large multi national corporations dictating war for profit. this doesnt settle well with me. my heart goes out for the children who may be forced to enlist for there are no other choices available due to this economic crisis. WAR brought us out of the great depression, it certainly wasn't our Govt. looking out for the hungry and less fortunate within America. sadly our Govt. serves Corporations. Military recruiting lines for today you will be the same as the Breadlines of our history. so if we are at war for something, it damn well better be for a good reason. profits should not be any of them. i am a Father of three and a step father of two. for anyone who has children look beyond the news channel for what is going on. and stand for what is right. that my friends is the BEST humanitarian heart warming thing we can do, to start off with. Thanks for taking to time. and for those serving our country A very BIG THANKS!!! please look into who really pulls the strings of The United States of America.