Herb McCandless

It is easy to change a number, but getting it back out to family and friends is a pain in the butt. It will probably, if not already, get changed. All he's asking is for a little respect of his privacy. Herb is a great guy thats given most of his life to a sport and hobby that all of us here love. And even though Respect in this world has just about become non-exsistant, I was hoping we as a community could still hold on to some old time values and possibly pass it along to people we associate with.

As easy as it is to change a number, its just as easy to say "I'll respect someones privacy and delete his personal number". FABO has grown into a well respected site and like they, you have to show respect to get respect.

Thanks to all that understand and to those that don't, please try...It will be greatly appreciated.
