I Need You Opinion

First off, I'm not going to sound like a jerk, but I know some are going to think I sound like one anyway so here it goes.

I think you should keep your Dart. If you don't have the inspiration to build the Dart right now, then cover it up and come back to it later. I remember you flipping back and forth on whether you should keep the dart, and I also remember you complaining about not having any money. I think it's bad enough that you bought a big block when you had all the parts to build a good small block project, and now you're thinking about trading for a truck that looks like it could take 5-10 grand to complete? Honestly man, you're 15 right? You're getting in WAY over your head. Commit to one idea and commit to one car, because I can tell you that if you don't then you will never complete any project. I'm not intentially trying to sound mean when I am saying this, but at the same time I am not gunna sugar-coat my post and tell you that I think it's a good idea.

I'll be turning 18 in March so take it from someone your age. I have a little 4 cyl mopar as my first project. No, it's not really the project I want. I would much rather have a dart or any other A-body, but I am working with what I could afford and see potential in my smaller project. There is time to build other cars, but you're first project will almost NEVER be when you want. Work with what you have, and don't try to rush things.