Herb McCandless

that may be the right thing to do and in a perfect world it would work.. but bottom line is the number has to be changed to get the desired results.. you talk like it was someone here calling him.. was it?

I never said nor implied that anyone on this site was calling Herb. I posted here for help in passing the word around because like I said FABO has grown into a well respected site. Hopefully if we passed the word around people would think before calling a private number that gets posted some where, whether it was done maliciously or by accident. Not just for Herb, but for anyone this may happen to. We see crimes and unfortunate accidents happen everyday, some people will help and others will just turn the other way. As more and more people turn the other way, things get worse and worse. Sometimes all it takes is one person to stop and lend a hand to turn things around.

Like Edmund Burke said "Evil will prevail when good men do nothing" It may sound a little dramatic but just think about it. It can be applied to even the smallest of incidents.

I prefer to be in the group that stops to help.