What do you guys think 3.58 posi

If I am totally redoing this car with a 340 ....would it not make sense?
Missing your point of view or reasoning to not put it in now.

Just got the numbers off it ....862 .182o657 I guess its a 741 and I will pass on it .... just trying to do everything right the first time. Thanks Guys

If you have the rear apart and want a locking diff, now is the time to do it IMO. The question may be do you really want a locking diff and the problems that go along with it if the car isn't qoing to do (m)any ΒΌ mile runs?

Frequent problems are increased maintenance and a tendency for the rear to step out on the street when you tromp down on the loud pedal.

FWIW I'm building up a 8.75 for the Demon. Since it will mostly be used on the street the max gear I'm considering is a 3.55:1. Also, since the streets here are maintained at less than 3rd world standards, I don't plan on any fun stuff on the streets.