What have we become in 50 Years?

My girlfriend and I were just thinking of similar things very close to this topic. We are both 19 (Ill be 20 is 2 weeks) so we are I guess part of this pussy generation. Its so pathetic. I was in a couple fist fights in the locker rooms in high school, was suspended everytime. I did some dumb stuff but nothing to out of control. Playing with fire, burning things, smashing fire works to make them blow up...and if my parents caught me and my brother doing something we werent supposed to we got spanked, usually by hand but if bad enough with the belt. Granted I have never field dressed an animal. Hell I have never been hunting. Never in my family to do that, we always raced and that was it. So my parents never showed up to school with a gun rack in there truck or something. But being this is California were I live if they did someone would have a cow and theyd be arrested. I have shot many guns but never hunted. Does that make me a pussy for not hunting, I dont think so. Maybe to some though. But take into account gangs, here in Modesto its a real **** hole. My Dad is a police officer in Modesto, he joined about 2 1/2 years ago. And thats pretty much all he deals with day in day out, gangs. Sure theres the occansional demostic violence, guy beating up his wife, but for the most part its gangs. Who do this little **** heads think they are? They run around in big groups and jump people or use knives or guns. Real tough if you ask me. I was confronted by a gang member one night cruising. The dumbass was going 10 mph in front of a line of cars to be funny, so when it opened up into two lanes I blew by him. Which he, in his v6 mustang with a body kit, did not like. So he proceeded to get back in front of me and try and brake check me. Not the little tap on the brakes to warn you,"hey alittle to close buddy." No, full slam on the brakes and came to a stop. So I got out and walked up to his door and proceed to say,"you got a f@#*!%& problem?!" Then he replied with,"get back in your car white boy before by homies get here and f#@$ you up." I said,"if you got a problem then lets deal with it." He refused to get out. Just kept saying,"stupid f*&$&# white boy dont know when to leave." So I waited a minute or two the called him a pussy for not getting out of his car then left. He was mexican. Not to sound raciest but there all pussies, numbers are there biggest friend. Circling McHenry several times that night to find him and his buddies to have a little meeting with my slugger in the trunk. Going around claiming property that isnt theres by spray painting it red or blue. Flying colors out of there cars. Read this for instance and tell me if its "unusual punishment" that idiot knew damn well what he was doing when he loaded his gun and fired it at the crowd. Whats unusual punishment is the child of that dad being killed never seeing him again, growing up without a dad. Because some pussy hiding in a car driving by opened fire. He got damn well what he deserves. To rot away in prison with no parole. Ugh this gets me steamin. Sorry for the rant. But take a read.
