What have we become in 50 Years?

It's not the leadrs
Well said J.R. Leaders of this country need to grow some balls. The scary part is that most of this has happened in 20 years. I remember getting in more than 10 fights during school hours and never once was suspended just paddled. I remember my dad picking me up from school on many occasions with guns in our jeep in plain view.

It's not the leaders who lack balls , they have the balls to create this situation to control you through fear , it's the people who lack the balls to take these leaders out in the woods and dig a hole :wink::wink: . Growing up in the east end of Toronto in the 60/70s we had a thing known as the "Cherry Beach Express " if you were on the wrong side of the law sometimes they took you out on the Cherry Beach land spit and gave it to you good ,one night a couple of cops grabbed a buddy for no real reason so we followed them down there and turned the tables on em it was a long time before you heard of anyone getting the "ride" who didn't really deserve it . The point is people always expect the powers that be to correct the problems when they are the ones who created them in the first place and for a reason .The only way to change things is to stand up and change them ,"People should not live in fear of their government ,the government should be made to live in fear of the people,only then will you have a government that works for the people "