I fried something...

I just screwed up something electrical in my 72 Valiant. I mistakenly left my lights on all day while I was at work. One of my co-workers tried to jump me off but the battery was to dead. A local Advance Auto Parts gave me a loaner battery to use while they charged mine. Well, I was eager to get home and was in quite a hurry because I had to be at my second job in two hours, and wanted to rest some. In my rush I hooked the positive cable up to the negative and vise versa. I immediately heard something frying and saw smoke coming from a place next to my distributor where a bunch of wires are plugged into the firewall. The car seems fine but now my radio isn't working.

Does any one have any idea what I could have fried, and what I would need to do to fix it? I still a noob with a lot of things regarding my car but I'm eager to learn and fix things. Thanks.