ABodyBetty's new baby comes home!!!

I ordered engine parts needed. Should be here round 1PM.
I've got the trailer hooked to BOF.
I will be using it to haul a piece of steel up to Yard Dawgs to use his BIG compressor, mine won't keep up with the cutter.

We will first make chalk rubs of the rust holes on parchment paper or use markers.
Cut out stencils 1/4" larger than needed for overlap of patches.
Draw all stencils on donor steel & head up to the Dawgs house.
Cut out patches & load welder, back down the hill to my house.
Weld patches till 2PM.
Run to town for parts & return welder.
Back home.
Fiberglass patches untill I run outa, daylight or, fiberglass, or patches!
After Dark pull into garage and start taking off manifolds.
How's that for ambition! Also have to drop in UPS and post office to send parts to you guys!!
Whew wee!!! Hang on to hats boys it's gonna be a wild one today!!!:cheers:


