Chip Foose or Barry White

I don't know who Barry is (I haven't watched TV in almost 5 years) and as for Chip, I respect him as a car guy but the man makes some butt *** ugly cars.

Gene Winfield and Bill Hines are the gods of custom cars.

Oh yeah....F GEORGE BARRIS and BOYD!!!!!

You haven't missed a lot, TV has been on a downward slope for years. Especially Speed and Spike TV.

You hit the nail on the head with Gene and Bill, very talented guys. I do like Chip though, he does have some nice cars, not a lot but some. The personality and attitude thing does go a long way with me.

I agree with you about George and Boyd, and I have a lot of Barris memorabila since my uncle owns the original Sonzogni 50 Merc but as a person he is an a$$, he didn't even go the the Merc reunion back in February, his nephew was there as well as 40 of the most well known custom Mercs in history including Sam's Merc and the Hirohata but George was nowhere to be seen.