Go Phillies !!! Who's Your World Series Pick?

Still amazing to me that you're such a rabid Yankee fan right in the middle of Sox nation... I give you credit Dave, those people are LUNATICS. That's what happens when you only have one team in your little city that couldn't manage to win anything for 85 years.

Still, lot of Yankee hatred out there. It's because the Yanks win and are willing to do what it takes to win. Other, lesser franchises wallow in mediocrity for their entire existence and suffer from owners who don't know a curveball from a soccer ball.

Paul O'Neill was saying something similar to this on YES's postgame last night. Steinbrenner wants to win when there are other owners who treat the team like a business and care just about the money, make a profit, break even, or go into the red. As Steinbrenner said when the luxury tax took effect, he personally had no problem with it, as long as the smaller market teams used it on players and not just as general revenue. If they wanted the luxury tax to be competitive, then use it to be competitive on the field.
You can make a statement that with the payroll, the Yankees are supposed to win, but given that same statement, isn't every ballplayer, no matter what the salary supposed to go out on the mound or to the plate or into the field and play to win? I've been in shops where I've been the least paid, and still expected to produce at the same rate the guys who make more. I've been in shops where I've been the most paid and supposed to set an example for production for others. Doesn't that apply to playing ball?
As for Yanks fan expecting to win, yeah, I can say that. With the history of this team, anything less is a disappointment. But that being said, why aren't other fans the same why? Why aren't your teams, no matter what the salary, expected to win, too?