ABodyBetty's new baby comes home!!!

this is very close
british coat of arms wildman360

Awesome Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks! That will really look cool after I dump bout 10 hours of brush painting to it!!! Totally Cool!!!

I knew I saw Fern once before loaded to the gills with Tennents Extra & hard cyder!!
It was way back when I was but a young lad, and trompin round the British Isle for Uncle Sugars A. F.
It was the early 80's, first trip abroad. On the weekend went to see Big Ben, only to find out it was wrapped in scafolding and tarps head to toe all 4 sides.........
Fast foward to 1 year later, nother trip, and then.......
The grand unwrapping celebration!! Big Ben, Unsheithed!!!!! heh heh!
Anyway, local pubs runs dry, parlement sends for "A Round of Snake Bites"!
The badge passes hands several times. Down from the guard, through intellegence where it makes a brief stop;
"What staff car do we have available to make the SB run?"
Fade to me on street heading to the Unwrapping, standing on corner waiting to cross, when suddenly from around the bend, FLYIN' through the intersection, came Fern in all her brand new American glory (had been traded for undercover London taxis for the "sometime in the future" Super Nanny show)
She was chock full of kegs & litre cans of all sizes with big wooden kegs of cyder too. She was filled to the roof line and am sure the trunk was full too.
Off she went sailing into the downtown riverfront district a few blocks from where I was.
It was later desribed to me, by an upstanding parlament member the reason they used the Dart was for VOLUME due to the trunk being big enough for "3 bodies, 2 goats, 1 keg, 4 shovels, and a grill"!?? Whatever that meant???
The badge was for free pass through the streets so the Bobbies wouldn't stop the SB run!!!

Well better get back to it, and thanks for the pic!!!