Shooting at Ft.Hood,Tx.

I'm with ya Adam. If you dont think we're asleep at the wheel then you need to wake up. Now he's in stable condition sucking up tax payers dollars trying to save his sorry ***. I can see it now. Here comes the bleeding hearts that will be standing up for his rights. Give me a break and pass the noose. He did it so now we're going to keep him on death row for 15 yrs. What part of a crock of crap dont you understand. Load your *** up and head for the middle east and shoot 40 some odd people in one of their training camps and see how long you live. We need to take a lesson. If his name was Joe Smith WHY did he change it to something that would have a mid east flavor. If this doesn't send up a red flag then your not all there. We have people with that type of name in our government in VERY sensitive position. Not a good feeling for me..........lets see now.....obama !!!!!! RED FLAG.
Sometime i'll have to tell ya how i really feel.
Small Block