Selling on ebay

Hmm,doesnt sound worthwhile. 18% is equal to cc fees for some. Sounds like ebay might cut it's own throat!

greedbay had cut it's own throat several years ago. I use to sell on there all the time till they imposed new guidelines back in 07. When they made it where the seller couldn't leave bad feedback for any buyer once the item was paid for no matter the circumstances, I quit. They left it wide open for feedback extortion which is against greedbay rules but they do nothing about it.

You'll more than likely make more $$$ selling it on ebay if it's good quality stuff.

That is true, but only if it is "quality" stuff. This brings out the high bidders that usually out bid the low life's that do credit card charge backs and feedback extortion and the ones that think it's Walmart and want to return everything at your expense because they got buyers remorse.

actually i dont think there are fees not sure but i have sold 5 things recently and no fees at all, its paypal that takes fees that sucks

There are fee's, take a close look at your bank account. They bill you on a monthly basis. You can also look at your billing status on greedbay.