Shooting at Ft.Hood,Tx.

obama = one big *** mistake america

i hate to say it but we needed the liberals to get their - he aint mine - president in the office. here in the commonwealth republik of massachusetts where many liberals live, even they are becoming frustrated with how poor of a job obummer and the democrats are doing and even started to vote out the incumbents. anyone familiar with Mass knows that this a not an easy thing to do. i heard/read that this is happening all over the country. the libs finally realizing that being all politically correct and touchy feely hope and change amounts to nothing but getting stepped on by the rest of the world that doesnt play by the same rules.

i dont think America is perfect but find me another place that you'd rather live. who would you rather have be a superpower? the US with its flaws or some country from the middle east - yeah they are tolerant right. when was the last time 1 million AMericans went to a foreign land and held a day of protest to admonish the government for not providing more benefits to ILLEGAL people? guess what - we'd all be tried and hanged if we did that in Iran. but no, we must accept people at all costs - including the cost of innocent American lives. i say bullshit. earn your keep, earn your way in this world. grab your bootstraps, push a broom,. say the Pledge of Allegiance, speak English for God's sake, and kiss the ground everyday that you got to emigrate here so you can send money back to your family in your "homeland". I don't care if you make your money here and send it to your family - just earn it with your own sweat. don't take what i've earned.

3 years and some odd days when odummer's legacy of ineptitude eclipses bush's by exponential factors and finally comes to an end, no longer will we need to listen to the left wing liberals espouse their virtues of hope and change that they hung on the backs of innocent Americans to carry for them coz they sure as hell aren't going to put forth the effort themselves.

sorry for rant. just tired of these stories over and over and our govts refusal to do anything for fear of being branded racist, etc.