I Am Super Sorry

i posted a thread today and i shouldnt have i dont know what i was thinking might of been cuase i just woke up or somthin but i AM SORRY to anyone that was offend or hurt or anything lke that i didnt know wat i was thinking when i posted it( apperintly nothing) but i am super sorry to everyone for that rediculous thread and i dont want to creat enemys on here again i am super super sorry i really apologize again sorry

I think you must be referring to the "truth comes out" thread.If that is the one I don't see the need for an apology.You sound like a very eager young man who is having trouble focusing on what you have.The other members gave you some good advice to go with the build you are working on now.Concentrate on the job at hand and make it a good one,we're behind you all the way.8)